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What New Parents Should Know About Baby Teething Pain Relief
What New Parents Should Know About Baby Teething Pain Relief
Teething is a painful process. Learn the symptoms of teething and what steps you can take to soothe your baby’s gums from their first tooth and beyond.
Despite my youngest child’s sweet nature, her last round of teething was rough and sent me on a search for new teething-relief ideas for my baby. Nothing breaks a mama's heart more than a little one feeling miserable.
Symptoms of Teething
As a new parent, there is so much on your mind that sometimes it’s easy to forget the signs you need to keep an eye out for when it comes to teething. While your baby can’t yet tell you what’s wrong, there are other ways they can show you. For example, if your baby is rubbing their ear, if you notice excessive drooling, if they are chewing on things a lot, or are more fretful than usual, there’s a good chance your baby’s new teeth are trying to make an appearance! They will also have red, tender gums where the tooth is coming through and may develop flushed cheeks, a rash on their face, or even a mild temperature.
Baby’s Gum Care
Your baby’s oral health is important even before the first tooth has arrived. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), the sooner you take care of your baby’s mouth, the better! “Starting at birth, clean your child’s gums with a soft infant toothbrush or cloth and water. Parents should use a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste to brush baby teeth twice daily as soon as they erupt and a soft, age-appropriate sized toothbrush.” It’s also wise to begin pediatric dentistry a little before your child’s 2nd birthday.
Simple Teething Remedies
Frozen Washcloths
I was reminded by this article about the wonders of a frozen washcloth. So simple and yet so effective! I gathered & folded a few flannel cotton baby washcloths, soaked them in water (chamomile tea would also work great!), and popped them in the freezer. The washcloths freeze quickly and are perfect for those little fingers to hold, soothing those sore gums.
Essential Oils
Creating a baby-safe essential oil blend to rub on the jawline is certainly new & intriguing to me. I found the details of the Jawline EO Teething blend here. As a quick alternative, I pulled out Root & Coco's Calm for Kids. It has a similar blend of chamomile and lavender, minus the sweet orange but with the addition of marjoram (which is said to bring relaxation & relief), and I thought it was worth a try. Lucy willingly let me rub her jawline, which was so much more peaceful than trying to rub anything on those sore gums. How baby hates that!
It totally helped! Sweet relief! The scent brings gentle relaxation, and the essential oils also soak into the skin, bringing relief to the jawline. After a couple of sleepless nights, this relief was welcome for both her & me.
Teething Toys
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends a few alternatives to reduce teething pain, such as “rubbing infants' gums with a clean finger or providing a teething ring made of firm rubber to chew on.” You can also use rubber or wood teethers, both of which soothe best when frozen, just like the washcloth. Try to avoid toys that seem to be undersized or have small parts that could break off, creating a choking hazard.
Pain Relief
There may be times in the teething process when washcloths, rings, rocking, and cuddles aren’t enough to soothe your baby. Let’s take a look at what pediatricians recommend as pain relievers and what to avoid.
What to Use
Talk to your pediatrician about using acetaminophen (Tylenol) if your child is 2 months or older. Ibuprofen isn’t recommended until at least 6 months of age. Dosage will vary based on your child’s age and weight. It’s always a good idea to speak to your child’s healthcare provider before beginning any medication, even those that are over-the-counter.
What to Avoid
According to the ADA, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends avoiding lidocaine and benzocaine products for children younger than 2.” They go on to say that Benzocaine, an over-the-counter teething gel and numbing agent that can be found in Anbesol, Hurricaine, Orajel, Baby Orajel, and Orabase, has been associated with rare cases of methemoglobinemia, a reduction in the amount of oxygen carried through the bloodstream. This is a very serious side effect!
The FDA also warns against homeopathic teething tablets due to “inconsistent amounts of belladonna, a toxic substance, in certain homeopathic teething tablets, sometimes far exceeding the amount claimed on the label.”
fawn&forest Helps Comfort Your Little One
Babies have a natural need to suck. Pacifiers satisfy their needs and soothe their emotions. Apart from that, pacifiers also help babies learn nasal breathing. Unlike the nose, the mouth is not able to filter or humidify the air, which means dust and infections can enter the mouth, affecting babies’ immunity.
Another inevitable part of babyhood is teething. It is a painful process for parents and babies. Teethers are a must-have for every baby. They’re soothing, comforting, and entertaining and help little mouths develop in strength and size. Normally, you might not want your baby to put things in his or her mouth, but teething toys are designed to be safe for chewing and gnawing under supervision.
Our collection's modern pacifiers and infant teething toys were chosen for their durability, longevity, and quality materials. At fawn&forest, we carry popular brands like BIBS, Madeline’s Box, and Eco Piggy.